What Is Sanatana Dharma? Unveiling Its Timeless Significance

The Unchanging Essence of Sanatana Dharma:
Sadhguru emphasizes that there is no such thing as “Hindu Sanatana Dharma.” It is simply “Sanatana Dharma,” with “Sanatana” signifying the unchanging nature of this eternal philosophy. Sanatana Dharma serves as the immutable dimension of life, the very foundation of our existence. It is not a set of rules imposed by humans to control society, but rather a living philosophy that governs all forms of life, from insects to humans. It applies universally, transcending nationality and religion.
Smriti and Shruti: Understanding Change and Continuity:
Sadhguru draws a distinction between two aspects of life – Smriti and Shruti. Smriti represents the ever-changing aspects of life, including culture, customs, and personal choices. It evolves with time and varies from generation to generation. On the other hand, Shruti refers to the unchanging rhythm of life, which is not crafted by individuals but is inherent in creation itself. Finding harmony with this rhythm is the essence of Sanatana Dharma.

Sanatana Dharma in a Changing World:
In a rapidly evolving world, it’s natural for Smriti to change as societies adapt to new circumstances. However, Shruti, the unchanging essence of Sanatana Dharma, remains constant. Sanatana Dharma does not belong to any one individual or culture; it is a universal principle that guides life. While personal morals and rules may change, the fundamental principles of Sanatana Dharma persist.
Is Sanatana Dharma Diluted Today?
Sanatana Dharma, as explained by Sadhguru, embodies the unchanging essence of life, providing a timeless framework for human existence. While cultural and personal aspects may evolve, the fundamental principles of Sanatana Dharma persist. It is a philosophy that applies universally, transcending geographical and religious boundaries. In a world marked by change, understanding and aligning with the unchanging rhythm of life, as described by Sanatana Dharma, can lead to a more profound and harmonious existence.