Unlock Financial Liberation with the Audi Amavasi Remedy: Say Goodbye to Debt


In the journey of life, the weight of debt can often feel overwhelming, carrying with it karmic implications from the past. The Audi Amavasi Remedy, a time-honored tradition, provides a unique opportunity to shed the burden of debt and pave the way towards financial liberation. In this article, we delve into the significance of this ancient practice and guide you through the steps to seize this auspicious chance for debt relief.

The Karmic Link to Debt:

Debt, beyond its financial implications, is believed to be intertwined with our karmic journey. Scriptures suggest that our current financial situation can be a manifestation of actions from past lives. The Audi Amavasi Remedy, rooted in spirituality, aims to address this underlying karmic debt and offer a fresh start towards financial freedom.

Performing the Audi Amavasai Remedy:

The Audi Amavasai Remedy holds immense potential when performed on the Audi Amavasai day, especially after 6 o’clock in the evening. This powerful remedy involves a series of rituals that align with ancient practices and beliefs:

  1. Preparation and Worship: Start by settling your ancestral debts through tarpanam and worshipping family deities. Even if reaching the temple is challenging, you can create a home shrine and light a lamp in their honor.
  2. Gathering the Tools: Acquire the necessary items for the ritual – a whole coconut, a red-colored thread, and a special cloth to wrap the coconut. These items play a crucial role in channeling your intentions.
  3. Symbolic Thread: In the evening, light a lamp and take the red-colored thread. Measure its length based on the highest debtor’s height in your household. Cut the thread accordingly and wrap it around the coconut.
  4. The Beach Ritual: Head to the beach, the exclusive location for this remedy. Stand in the sea water, submerging your feet, and earnestly pray for the reduction of the debt. Circle the coconut thrice around your head and then release it into the sea.
  5. Returning Home: After the ritual, walk back home without looking back. Upon entering your home, wash your hands, feet, and face before proceeding to the puja room. Offer another prayer while focusing on your clan deity.

Auspicious Timing and Ongoing Practice:

While the Audi Amavasai Remedy can be practiced regularly on new moon days, the Audi Amavasai day holds special significance. The ritual’s potency lies in its association with this auspicious occasion. As you engage in this practice, remain open to opportunities that may arise to alleviate your financial burdens.


Embracing the Audi Amavasai Remedy is an act of faith that can lead to profound transformations in your financial life. By addressing the karmic roots of debt and actively participating in this ritual, you set the stage for a prosperous future free from financial constraints. As you embark on this journey of debt liberation, remember that belief and persistence are your allies, guiding you towards a life of abundance and well-being.