May success come to you

May success come to you

Everyone wants to get happiness and success at all times. If any action is to be successful, we need God’s grace for it and we have to make efforts for it. But many of the human beings go to the wrong decision because of hatred and some people end their life because they are unable to overcome the challenges and crises in the struggle of life.

Islam strongly condemns not only suicide but attempted suicide, and it is considered such a serious crime that Prophet Muhammad refused to offer prayers to a person who commits suicide.

The aspect of Prophet Sal’s teaching is that no matter how many hardships and failures you may face, if you do not take the cowardly decision of suicide and consider failures as stepping stones to success, you will succeed.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) warns that those who commit suicide in cowardice will never get the reputation of attention and the grace of Allah and will incur the wrath of Allah and become a prey to the Hellfire.

The Holy Qur’an says, “Don’t kill yourselves, know that Allah is Most Merciful to you.

Do not lead yourselves to destruction with your own hands, but do good. Indeed, Allah loves those who do good.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There lived a man among those before you, once he was injured and he could not bear the pain, so he took a knife and cut off his hand until he died, and the blood continued to flow until he died. Allah My servant hastened in his affairs and overtook me and said, I have withheld Paradise from him.

The Prophet said that whoever commits suicide by jumping down from a mountain will be thrown into hellfire and will continue to jump from top to bottom forever.Whoever commits suicide by drinking poison will drink the poison in his hand forever and ever in hell fire.Whoever commits suicide with a sharp weapon, he keeps his sharp weapon in his hand and stabs himself everywhere in hell fire with it forever.

This world in which we live and the comfortable life in it have become the main goals of the human race and thus love and humanity are disappearing from our hearts.

Suicide is a very heinous act and a great crime, such a great sin can only be committed by a person who has no thought of the hell or heaven. While other religions say that suicide is a sin, Islam clearly warns that it is a great crime that will lead to hell forever.

No light without darkness, no joy without sorrow, no life without problems.If you are born as a human, you must face the problems that occur in your daily life.Problems can be minor or complex.  Whatever it is, if you try with patience and determination, you can find a solution.

A fall is not the end of an endeavor.  Rather it is the beginning.  Watch out for toddlers.  Even if they fall many times, they never stop trying.  They keep trying and succeed.

Confidence is very important and so is prayer.  Surrender to the One Lord who created and sustains this universe and the billions of creatures in it.  Wherever you are in this universe, Allah is the one who can hear your prayers and answer them.  He is the one who solves your problems and forgives you.  Worship Him and seek help from Him and success will come in your life.


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