‘A man can become a god’ – if he follows the path shown by God

God follows you as your shadow.  God’s guidance continues throughout your journey.  Don’t be afraid of life, don’t worry and continue your journey.  As long as God’s love, blessings and grace are with us forever, there is no fear.

 The word ‘God’ evokes devotion for some.  Gives search to some.  Talks about God continue to happen here and there every day.  Here are some words that guide us to experience the nature of God.

“God” is a name for something that transcends all boundaries.

 Bhakti is not about God.  Bhakti is to sweeten your feelings so that your life experiences become beautiful.

 God asks nothing of anyone.  That is why everyone can love God.  But to love the one next to you is to give your life

God is the best creator.  It is your duty to maintain the creation with style.

God is a creator, not a manager.  He wants people to lead their own lives.

 I don’t want you to seek God.  I want you to become like God.

 If God is sitting in heaven, it’s okay if you don’t care to go there.  But if you are not aware that he is operating from within you, it is dangerous ignorance.

If you’re a theist and life doesn’t turn out the way you thought it would, but God’s will, you have no problem with that.

If we know the importance of being human, you won’t talk about God or heaven.

 God becomes real in your experience if you raise your energies to the highest level.

 In Indian culture, deities sing, perform and dance.  God without music or movement is inert and cannot correspond to other aspects of creation.

Bhakti does not arise because God exists, God exists because of Bhakti.

 You are always aware of what you call God and the Creator and why you call it through creation.  If it withdraws itself, this entire universe will collapse and disappear.

 Your life is your creation.  God does not interfere with it.

Every aspect of my life is steeped in devotion.  Somewhere, not on God above, but on everything around me.

 Prayer is what you are trying to tell God to do.  Meditation is realizing your limits and shutting yourself up.

 Although ‘God is omnipresent’, ‘All is one power’ is the same truth, stated in different ways.

Don’t live in fear of what the onlooker will think.  Live in fear of what the Creator will think.  That’s life…!!!

God’s abode is not in stone, log or soil.  Human emotions and thoughts..!

Do not trust man: he will leave in any situation!  Don’t trust time: it will pass in no time!  Trust God…

He is the way and the light…

Don’t tell God how great is the trial that has come to you.. Tell the trial how great is God who is with you..!!

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and neither do I.

Shiva Shiva!  Om Nama Shivaya!


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